Kenya Doondu Estate - Anaerobic Natural

Kenya Doondu Estate - Anaerobic Natural

from £8.70

About This Coffee

Kenyan Doondu coffee comes from the region of Kiambu County and has been grown at an altitude of 1600 masl. This single varietal SL28 lot from Doondu Estate is naturally processed with an extended 'anaerobic' cherry fermentation prior to drying. Roaster comments on this medium roast coffee: “This is a very interesting and delicous juicy coffee, the process really shines.”

Tasting Notes

Jaffa cakes, chocolate and nuts.

Growing Coffee in Kenya, Doondu

Doondu is a 238 ha coffee farm first established by British colonists but is now one of 6 estates owned and operated by Sasini, a publicly listed company with a majority Kenyan ownership. The estate is the largest of the group.

Sasini’s estates have long placed an emphasis on equity and community. In the case of the estates’ workers this involves the provision of living quarters, early child education, union membership and guaranteed payment above minimum wage. In collaboration with Olam Specialty and over 30 of our customers, they have also been able to invest further in the local primary school Njenga Karume. This has principally been through the building of a new computer lab to equip students with the IT skillset to maximise their oppotunities in an increasingly digital world.

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